
This marketplace allows anyone to buy and sell native assets such as NFTs.

The marketplace smart contract allows users to buy and sell NFTs. A seller list an NFT for sales by specifying a certain price, and anyone can buy it by paying the demanded price.

There are 4 actions (or endpoints) available to interact with this smart contract:

  • list asset
  • buy asset
  • updating listing
  • cancel listing

Do check out the guide and the marketplace starter kit that might help you get started. This contract is written in plu-ts, you can view the contract on GitHub.

Initialize the Marketplace

Utilizing the Marketplace contract requires a blockchain provider and a connected browser wallet. Here is an example how we can initialize the Marketplace.

import { BasicMarketplace } from '@meshsdk/contracts';
import { KoiosProvider } from '@meshsdk/core';
import { useWallet } from '@meshsdk/react';

const blockchainProvider = new KoiosProvider('preprod');

const { wallet } = useWallet();

const marketplace = new BasicMarketplace({
  fetcher: blockchainProvider,
  initiator: wallet,
  network: 'preprod',
  signer: wallet,
  submitter: blockchainProvider,
  percentage: 25000, // 2.5%
  owner: 'addr_test1vpvx0sacufuypa2k4sngk7q40zc5c4npl337uusdh64kv0c7e4cxr',

You can define the fetcher and submitter with one of our blockchain providers or use your own custom provider. We use these fetcher and submitter to query for locked UTxO and submit transactions. The connected wallet are defined in the initiator and signer. The network can defined in network, it has to be one of the following values: "testnet" | "preview" | "preprod" | "mainnet"

The owner is the address of the marketplace owner which will receive the marketplace fee. The percentage is the percentage of the sale price that the marketplace owner will take. Note that, the fee numerator is in the order of millions, for example 3000 implies a fee of 3000/1_000_000 (or 0.003) implies a fee of 0.3%.

Try the demo

You can test this martetplace smart contract on this page.

Firstly, switch your wallet network to one of the testnets, and connect wallet.

List Asset

List an asset on the marketplace. This will allow other users to buy the asset. The seller will receive the listing price in ADA. The seller can cancel the listing at any time. The seller can also update the listing price at any time.

address is the seller's address, here we use the first Used Addresses of the connected wallet. asset is the asset's unit to be listed. price is the listing price in Lovelace.

async marketplace.listAsset(
  address: string,
  asset: string,
  price: number

It is important to save the listing infomation (asset, seller address and listing price) in a database. This is needed to update/cancel/purchase the listing.

const { wallet } = useWallet();
const sellerAddress = (await wallet.getUsedAddresses())[0];
const txHash = await marketplace.listAsset(

Buy Asset

Purchase a listed asset from the marketplace. The seller will receive the listed price in ADA and the buyer will receive the asset.

async marketplace.purchaseAsset(
  address: string,
  asset: string,
  price: number

address is the seller's address. asset is the listed asset's unit. price is the listed price in Lovelace.

const txHash = await marketplace.purchaseAsset(

Update Listing

Update a listing on the marketplace. For the contract, the seller can update the listing price.

address is the seller's address. asset is the listed asset's unit. oldPrice is the listed price in Lovelace. newPrice is the updated listed price in Lovelace.

async marketplace.relistAsset(
  address: string,
  asset: string,
  oldPrice: number
  newPrice: number

It is important to update the updated listing price in a database.

const txHash = await marketplace.relistAsset(

Cancel Listing

Cancel a listing on the marketplace. The seller can cancel the listing at any time. The seller will receive the listed asset back.

address is the seller's address. asset is the listed asset's unit. price is the listed price in Lovelace.

async marketplace.delistAsset(
  address: string,
  asset: string,
  price: number
const txHash = await marketplace.delistAsset(